Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Ep. 143 Those We Don’t Speak Of Pt. 9
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Hello Oddities! This week I have a shorter show, but I still believe you will enjoy it. This is an episode I did for Patrons quite a while back on the infamous failed Jewish Messiah Shabbatai Zvi. Reading from a book on Jewish Mysticism, I give the run down one of the most interesting characters in history. I'm working on several other episodes in the Those We Don't Speak Of series, and Zvi will have a big part in at least one of those episodes, and I thought this would help to understand the man, and just how influential he was on his followers, and Jacob Frank, and his Frankist cult. I belive in some ways, those two were the Crowley's of their times.
Thank you for your patience, and I look forward to giving you a much more in-depth dive very soon.
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The Other Episodes In This Series-
"Those We Don't Speak Of" Series Episodes
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Pt. 5
Pt. 6
Pt. 7
Pt. 8
Ep. 140 Those We Don’t Speak Of Pt. 8 | The Oddcast Ft. The Odd Man Out (podbean.com)
Please check out my Podcasting Family over at Alternate Current Radio. You will find a plethora of fantastic talk, and music shows including the flagship Boiler Room, as well as The Daily Ruckus!
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A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated.
Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Ep. 142 W/ John Brisson
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
This week I present to you courtesy of John Brisson, and We've read The Documents a casual conversation we had last week on Trump, Conservative Inc. and much, much more. Just two friends talking, but I think you'll find it interesting. We even go over our favorite, and least favorite radio, and podcast hosts. So, pop down the rabbit role, and grab a seat in the cave lounge. Sit back, and enjoy the show.
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We've Read The Documents(Videos)
Please check out my Podcasting Family over at Alternate Current Radio. You will find a plethora of fantastic talk, and music shows including the flagship Boiler Room, as well as The Daily Ruckus!
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Patreon-Welcome to The Society Of Cryptic Savants
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A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated.
Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Ep. 141 Back In The Saddle w/ Charles Savoie
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
This week we bring back an old friend to the show. Mr. Charles Savoie, The Pilgrims Society expert himself returns to cover some lost history about several very influential members, and the vast network of public, private, and international groups they were affiliated with.
Now, time to grab the shovel and start digging so we can get down the history rabbit hole, far beyond the mainstream!
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No Silver Nationalization
The Silver Stealers
Texas Pet Protect
Please check out my Podcasting Family over at Alternate Current Radio. You will find a plethora of fantastic talk, and music shows including the flagship Boiler Room, as well as The Daily Ruckus!
Fringe Radio Network- Radio on the Fringe!
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Social Media: _theoddmanout on Twitter, and Instagram Facebook
"A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated.
Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Ep. 140 Those We Don’t Speak Of Pt. 8
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
In this week's episode we dive back into our Those We Don't Speak Of series with a look at the similarities of the Conservative, and Reform sects, and some scandals involving the two. Then, we go wailing wall first into the strange beliefs of the Orthodox, and Messianic factions, and the origins, and fall of the world mythos involved in Lurianic Kabbalah, and its impact as a whole. We end with the words of a famous Rabbi on how those who take words of the Bible as facts are fools, and doomed to hell, and finish with the view of G-d as a Divine Androgyne.
Time to get down that mystical weirdo rabbit hole, far beyond the mainstream!
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The Other Episodes In This Series-
"Those We Don't Speak Of" Series Episodes
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Pt. 5
Pt. 6
Pt. 7
Show Notes
DeAnne Loper
Kabbalah Secret Christians Need To Know Podcasts
DeAnne Loper Website
Conservative Is Not Conservative
Against Our Better Judgement Book by Allison Weir https://againstourbetterjudgment.com/
If Americans Knew- Allison Weir's Group https://ifamericansknew.org/
The kosher serpent, & the restoration of all things. (Great Series On Kabbalah Teachings)
Kabbalah teaches that the real opposing forces in the world are chaos and order, fragmentation and unity. When negative energy predominates, there is separation where there needs to be connection.
Essential Zohar
Please check out my Podcasting Family over at Alternate Current Radio. You will find a plethora of fantastic talk, and music shows including the flagship Boiler Room, as well as The Daily Ruckus!
Fringe Radio Network- Radio on the Fringe!
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Social Media: _theoddmanout on Twitter, and Instagram Facebook
"A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated.
Thank You Guys For Your Continued Support!
Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Ep. 139 Weaponizing The Weather Pt. 1
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
This week we look into the sorted history of Weather Modification. We cover some programs, and take some clips from the great documentary What In The World Are They Spraying? as well as various clips from other sources. I also look into what regular Contrails are, and why plains emit them. It's time to go down that rabbit hole which ends up in the atmosphere far beyond the mainstream!
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Show Notes
Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri https://youtu.be/K4qAfJGMBa0
Weather Mod, & The U.S. Military https://youtu.be/K4qAfJGMBa0
In 1953 President Eisenhower created the US advisory committee on weather control.
Names of various Weather Modification Programs- HAARP-High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program•
Tropospheric Aerosol Program (TAP)•
Stratospheric Aerosol Injections•
Solar Radiation Management •
Project Popeye (Veitnam)•
Geoengineering By ScopEx•
Ionospheric Heater•
Air Pharmacology •
Charge Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE)•
Albedo Enhancement•
Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment• Operation Cloverleaf •
Marine Cloud Brightening/Whitening •
Weather Control As A Cold War Weapon Weapon 1950's https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/weather-control-as-a-cold-war-weapon-1777409/
JFK U.N. Address 1961 “Weather Control” https://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/historic-speeches/address-to-the-united-nations-general-assembly
JFK Speech https://youtu.be/Df-7yvFwpyY
LBJ He Who Controls The Weather Will Control The World 1962
LBJ Clip On YT
Please check out my Podcasting Family over at Alternate Current Radio. You will find a plethora of fantastic talk, and music shows including the flagship Boiler Room, as well as The Daily Ruckus! https://alternatecurrentradio.com/
Fringe Radio Network- Radio on the Fringe! http://fringeradionetwork.com/
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A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated. Thank You Guys For Your Continued Support!
Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Ep. 138 Their Culture Is Not Our Culture Pt. 1
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Greetings Oddities!
This week i finally take the initial dive deep down the rabbit hole on the history of the Cold War era Congress For Cultural Freedom. Talk about culture creators, and influencers. This group of mostly former Communists, and Trotskyites turned Social Democrats were behind various formed of art, literary works including Expressionist Art, Plays, Concerts, Festivals, Conventions, Movies like Dr. Zhivago, and Books From authors like Arthur Koestler, and Hannah Arendt.
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Show Notes
They had offices in numerous countries, & high-end magazines as well which featured articles written by authors like Bertrand Russell, & George Orwell.
Congress For Cultural Freedom Code Name-QKopera
Frances Stonor Saunders https://youtu.be/FYLoyyR1qtI
Spawned out of group humanist, & Fabian John Dewey formed In 1939 called the "American Committee for Cultural Freedom” which continued on even after the Congress For Cultural Freedom was formed. Founded: 26 June 1950 Dissolved: 1979 (as International Association for Cultural Freedom) The CIA wanted to influence other parts of the world in order to combat the growing sentiment towards Communism, focusing especially on artists, play-writes, musicians as well as intellectuals. Both of whom they knew would go on to influence many others. Many members were former Communist Party members. Trotskyites specifically who'd turned against Stalin, & his totalitarian measures. Most were not pro-American by any means. They were generally Democratic Socialist types. Like modern Libs, they believed America was backwards, & lacked culture. Quite a few top members were of Eastern European Jewish descent. Obviously, they had no intentions of spreading traditional American rugged individualistic, or patriotic ideology.
They were all about "dumbocracy" aka, the Liberal World Order.
Militant Liberty https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Militant_Liberty:_A_Program_of_Evaluation_and_Assessment_of_Freedom
May 10, 1966 NYT denies Encounter Magazine Funding https://archive.org/details/CIA-RDP68B00432R000500020014-4/mode/1up
Abstract Expressionism, Weopon Of The Cold War https://www.scribd.com/document/37676685/Cockcroft-Eva-Abstract-Expressionism-Weapon-of-the-Cold-War
CIA Funded Modern Art https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/modern-art-was-cia-weapon-1578808.html
The CIA’s preferred tactic for spreading American music abroad was festivals; in 1952, the CCF held the Festival of Twentieth-Century Masterpieces of Modern Art in Paris, and in 1961, using a front group known as the American Society of African Culture, it tricked singer Nina Simone into performing at the Lagos Festival in Nigeria. Musicians of the era, knowing or not, benefitted from the financial support of the CIA. https://medium.com/mondo-americana/rock-n-roll-mind-control-the-cia-and-the-1960s-counterculture-53c1f6e52647
“We must organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink,” Wili Munzenberg
Everywhere men yearn to be misled by magicians.” Introduction to the Tao Teh Ching
Frances Stonor Saunders, The CIA and The Cultural Cold War https://www.abebooks.com/9781565845961/Cultural-Cold-CIA-World-Arts-156584596X/plp
Peter Coleman, The Liberal Conspiracy https://archive.org/details/liberalconspirac0000cole
Please check out my Podcasting Family over at Alternate Current Radio. You will find a plethora of fantastic talk, and music shows including the flagship Boiler Room, as well as The Daily Ruckus!
Fringe Radio Network- Radio on the Fringe!
Patreon-Welcome to The Society Of Cryptic Savants
Welcome members of The Society Of Cryptic Savants! (bitchute.com)
Social Media: _theoddmanout on Twitter, and Instagram Facebook
"A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated.
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Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Ep. 137 Those We Don’t Speak Of Pt. 7
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
This week, I continue the Those We Don't Speak Of series with a look at what happened to the Germans both military, & civilian at the end, & immediately after WW2. This part of WW2 history is unfortunately rarely covered, but absolutely should be because of the equally horrific treatment of German people. Many of whom had absolutely nothing to do with the war. We look at two books in particular which have described these events in detail. Other Losses by James Bacque, and Eye For An Eye by John Sack. Many don't know that 100's of prison death camps were created by America, France, & Russia to hold Germans after the war. Germany was decimated. Chaos ran rampant. Theft, abuse, torture, sexual abuse of women, & murder took place. Several million Germans died of starvation, exposure, disease, lack of water, & medical treatment. Many German soldiers fled to U.S. occupied zones thinking they'd get much better treatment than that of the Soviets, but they were sadly mistaken. Dwight Eisenhower was on record saying he hated Germans in general, & he, & the likes of Henry Morgenthau(A Treasury Secretary) did their best to starve out Germany, & decimate their industries. Ike even changed their status so the prisoners wouldn't qualify for Geneva Convention laws for Prisoners Of War. Then, there's The Office Of State Security headed up by Lola, & the Hebrew death dealers which John Sack so eloquently wrote about. To some, these facts will be too ugly to face, but they need to be talked about, & my wish is that those who hear this episode will do just that, & share this information any way they can.
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The Other Episodes In This Series-
"Those We Don't Speak Of" Series Episodes
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Pt. 5
Pt. 6
Pt. 7
Thank You For Your Continued Support.
Show Notes
The Dark Secret Of America's WW2 German Camps
Other Losses By James Bacque
Eye For An Eye by John Sack
An eye for an eye : Sack, John : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
After The Reich By Giles Macdonough
After the Reich : Giles MacDonogh : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Crimes Unspoken By Miriam Gebhardt
Please check out my Podcasting Family over at Alternate Current Radio. You will find a plethora of fantastic talk, and music shows including the flagship Boiler Room, as well as The Daily Ruckus!
Fringe Radio Network- Radio on the Fringe!
Patreon-Welcome to The Society Of Cryptic Savants
Welcome members of The Society Of Cryptic Savants! (bitchute.com)
Social Media: _theoddmanout on Twitter, and Instagram Facebook
"A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated.
Thank You Guys For Your Continued Support!
Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Ep. 136 w/ Chris Graves
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Greetings Oddities!!
Here's tonight's show where I sat down for a talk on some really interesting issues with researcher, and podcaster Chris Graves. He's a wealth of information. We went over various topics including some lesser known info about the Columbine Incident which I know you'll find intriguing. Chris has promised to come back soon for another episode where we"ll dive in head first on Dave McGowan's Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon so, we have that to look forward to. Now, time to get deep down the rabbit hole, far beyond the mainstream!
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Chris Graves Links
Please check out my Podcasting Family over at Alternate Current Radio. You will find a plethora of fantastic talk, and music shows including the flagship Boiler Room, as well as The Daily Ruckus!
Fringe Radio Network- Radio on the Fringe!
Patreon-Welcome to The Society Of Cryptic Savants
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"A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated.
Thank You Guys For Your Continued Support!
Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Ep. 135 The Hidden Empire
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Sure, you are familiar with London, but do you know the long, and twisted history of The Square Mile? Some call it secret, or hidden London, but the truth is, it's an open conspiracy, and probably the most important banking city in the world besides NYC, and Basel. Strap in old school style and let's cruise deep down the London rabbit hole, far beyond the mainstream!
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Extensive Show Notes
The Corporation Of The City Of London•
City of London, municipal corporation and borough, London, England. Sometimes called “the Square Mile,” it is one of the "33" boroughs that make up the large metropolis of Greater London.
The borough lies on the north bank of the River Thames between the Temple Bar memorial pillar (commemorating the old Temple Bar gate) and the base of Tower Hill. The City Corporation is Britain’s oldest local government; it has the status of a county, with powers that exceed those of London’s "32" other boroughs, notably the control of its own police force. “The City,” as it is known, is only a component, relatively small in area, of the larger urban area known as London. Its area corresponds closely to that of the ancient city from which modern London has grown. The City belongs geographically to the historic county of Middlesex, but its special status and privileges gave it autonomy from that county for most of its history.
The Latin motto of the City is Domine dirige nos, which translates as "Master, direct (guide) us". It appears to have been adopted in the 17th century, as the earliest record of it is in 1633. A banner of the arms (the design on the shield) is flown as a flag of the City.
14 dragon statues guarding the city of London. Many other depictions of Dragons adorn various buildings. Some inside, & some on the outer structure. Two at the main gates of the city. The crest of the city has the two dragons with the white shield and a Red Cross, & sword. The cross, & sword resemble upside down crosses. The official explanation says the crest is an homage to St. George was depicted in a fictional story saving a princess from a dragon. The story was loosely based on
St. George being a Templar Knight, & is often depicted in armor riding a stallion.
The Knight's Templar flags were also white with red crosses.
Must Watch!
Occult Symbolism On Buildings In The Corporation Of The City Of London
Same Video On YT
Another Great Video Showing More Symbolism In The City
More Symbolism
Gog, & Magog Symbolism In London
We learned earlier that the Corporation City Of London is a, or the, most important city in the world for finance. Not to mention, a tax haven, & overseer of other British-controlled tax havens like the Cayman Islands, Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, the BVI, Gibraltar, & Bermuda.
Elite City of London Taxhavens
American banks moved their assets to "the City" to escape regulations.
Secrecy Jurisdictions, Cayman Islands...
The Templar Temple happens to be located in the Corporation City Of Government. The very place they ran their banking empire. Also, remember that one other other main hubs for The Templars was in Switzerland. Still famous for its banks. Not to mention, suspiciously the home of the Bank For International Settlements. Explain BIS. Like the Templars, the Corporation of The City Of London is exempt from laws that others have to go by. The connections are too much to ignore.
List of banks in London
City of London ‘set for exemption from new global tax rules’
Another connection•
It's well known, & even admitted in some circles that Freemasonry is the offspring of The Templars. Freemasonry is predominant in the square mile. The honorable Lord Mayor of the city is closely aligned with Freemasonry, & many Lord Mayors have been Masons. As many as 5000 Freemasons March in the yearly parade celebrating the election of the new Lord Mayor. The alleged oldest Masonic Lodge is located in the city. Author Stephen Knight wrote two detailed books about the influence of Freemasonry in London. He focused especially on the various police forces, & how Masonry had created a true good ole boy network which allowed numerous criminal acts to go unpunished. Stephen explains a little bit about the structure of government in the city.
Knights Templars
Hidden History: World Controllers, Knights Templars, City of London, Unknown American History (1of2)
Stephen Knight Book Excerpts
Oldest Grand Lodge In London
Freemasons Hall
Over 5,000 Freemasons and the Lord Mayor Attend the Services. Send any friend a story.
Lord Mayor Procession
The Lord Mayor Of London
The Guildhall Lodge was consecrated at the Mansion House, the official residence of the Lord Mayor of London, on Tuesday, 14 November 1905. Since then, no fewer than sixty-two Lord Mayors have been Masters of the Lodge, whose membership comprises both elected members of the Corporation of London and its salaried officers.
Mansion House
The Remembrancer
Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City | sinhalanet.net
The City Of London Livery Companies
In "The City" of London, Corporations get to vote, & make up about 3/4 of all voters.
The medieval, unaccountable Corporation of London is ripe for protest
The International Bar Association Is Now located in the Temple Church where the Templar headquarters was located.
The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, commonly known as the Inner Temple, is one of the four Inns of Court and is a professional associations for barristers and judges. To be called to the Bar and practise as a barrister in England and Wales, a person must belong to one of these Inns. It is located in the wider Temple area, near the Royal Courts of Justice, and within the City of London.
Bar Association
"Leading justice scholars in the system of the UK are well aware that ....the Temple Church as the cradle of Common Law"
The Conspiracy About The Bar Association
"The government and legal system of the United States, Canada, Austraila, New Zealand and of course Britain, is totally controlled by the Crown. I have also stated that the British Monarch is not the Crown. The Crown is the Inner City of London, which is an independent State in London belonging to the Vatican system. It is a banking cartel which has a massive system around and beneath, which hides its true power. The City is in fact the Knights Templar Church, also known as the Crown Temple or Crown Templar, and is located between Fleet Street and Victoria Embankment. The Temple grounds are also home to the Crown Offices at Crown Office Row. The Crown Temple controls the Global'Legal'system, including those in the United States, Canada,Australia, and much more; this is because all Bar Associations are franchises of the International Bar Association at the Inns of Court at Crown Temple based at Chancery Lane in London.
All Bar Associations are franchises of the Crown and all Bar Attorneys/ Barristers throughout the world pledge a solemn oath to the Temple, even though many may not be aware that this is what they are doing. Bar Association 'licensed' Solicitors / Barristers must keep to their Oath, Pledge and terms of allegiance to the Crown Temple if they are to be "called to the Bar" and work in the legal profession. The ruling Monarch is also subordinate to the Crown Temple, this as been so since the reign of King John in the 13th century when Royal Sovereignty was transferred to the Crown Temple and, through this, to the Roman Church. King John 1167-1216 is the key to this deception."
"The present Queen of England is not the "Crown," as we have all been led to believe. Rather, it is the Bankers and Attornies (Attorneys) who are the actual Crown or Crown Temple. The Monarch aristocrats of England have not been ruling sovereigns since the reign of King John, circa 1215. All royal sovereignty of the old British Crown since that time has passed to the Crown Temple in Chancery. The U.S.A. is not the free and sovereign nation that our federal government tells us it is. If this were true, we would not be dictated to by the Crown Temple through its bankers and attornies. The U.S.A. is controlled and manipulated by this private foreign power and our unlawful Federal U.S. Government is their pawnbroker. The bankers and Bar Attorneys in the U.S.A. are a franchise in oath and allegiance to the Crownat Chancery - the Crown Temple Church and its Chancel located at Chancery Lane - a manipulative body of elite bankers and attorners from the independent City of London who violate the law in America by imposingfraudulent "legal" - but totally unlawful - contracts on the American people. The banks Rule the Temple Church and the Attorners carry out their Orders by controlling their victim's judiciary."
"The legal system (judiciary) of the U.S.A. is controlled by the CrownTemple from the independent and sovereign City of London. The private Federal Reserve System, which issues fiat U.S. Federal Reserve Notes, is financially owned and controlled by the Crown from Switzerland, the home and legal origin for the charters of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and most importantly, the Bank of International Settlements. Even Hitler respected his Crown bankers by not bombing Switzerland. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland [Vatican bank] controls all the central banks of the G7 nations. He who controls the gold rules the world."
"The people who comprise the citizenry of a state are recognised only within natural and common law as is already established by God's Law. Only a State Citizen can be a party to an action within a State Court. A common state citizen cannot be recognised in that court because he doesn't legally exist in Crown Chancery Courts. In order to be recognised in their State Courts, the common man must be converted to that of a corporate or legal entity (a legal fiction). Now you know why they create such an entity using all capital letters within Birth Certificates issued by the State. They convert the common lawful man of God into a fictional legal entity subject to Administration by State Rules, Orders and Codes (there is no "law" within any Rule or Code). Of course, Rules, Codes, etc. do not apply to the lawful common man of the Lord of lords, so the man with inherent Godly law and rights must be converted into a legal "Person" of fictional "status" (another legal term) in order for their legal - but completely unlawful - State Judiciary (Chancery Courts) to have authority over him."
The CrownTemple Article By: Rule of Mystery Babylon The Templars of the Crown
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Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Ep. 134 Courtenay Turner Interview
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
This episode I sat down with researcher, host, artist, and athlete Courtenay Turner to talk about all things global elite, as well as propaganda, and psychological warfare.
Courtenay's Links
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Their Order Is Not Our Order!