Tuesday May 24, 2022
Ep. 113 The Enemy of My Enemy Pt. 1
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
The Enemy of My Enemy Pt. 1 where i take a look at the Russian Govt, their ties, and policies, and ask, what do they really stand for? After doing a 5-part series on Ukraine, i thought it only right that i take an Odd look at Russia. After all, many in Alt. Media are making their leader, and their Govt. look as if they are the last best hope for freedom, but is that really the case? You be the judge after you hear this information, and feel free to let me know what you think. Thank You for supporting the show! Cheers, and Blessings Show Notes- Putin, & Kissinger https://thenewamerican.com/kissinger-putin-and-the-new-world-order/ Putin, Kissinger Old Friends https://www.rt.com/news/331194-putin-meets-friend-kissinger/ Look up Moscow 2030 Plan! Russia part of the UN Sustainable Development program• https://www.unep.org/regions/europe/our-branches-europe/russia-office http://unrussia.ru/en/search/node Sustainable development participating nation states https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/memberstates.html https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/memberstates/russia World Wildlife Fund Russia https://www.unepfi.org/events/regions-events/europe-events/promotion-of-sustainable-finance-mechanisms-in-russia/ Sberbank secures JP Morgan loan to facilitate export trade https://www.rt.com/business/sberbank-jpmorgan-trade-loan-017/ Sber Bank Issues crypto coin (Sbercoin)• https://venturecapitalistmag.com/bank-of-russia-allows-sberbank-to-issue-digital-financial-assets/ https://techhq.com/2022/02/digital-ruble-heres-everything-we-know-about-russias-ce Putin tells UN he'll give them the vaccine if they want. Offers to partner with other countries. Russia has given regulatory approval to a second Covid-19 vaccine, named ‘EpiVacCorona’, after early-stage studies. New COVID-19 vaccine developed by Russia's vector institute https://www.rt.com/russia/527236-human-rights-vaccine-programs/ Vladamir Putin | Russia will register second COVID-19 vaccine | Coronavirus Pandemic Russia to register Sputnik M COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 12 to 17 Read more At: https://www.aninews.in/news/world/europe/russia-to-register-sputnik-m-covid-19-vaccine-for-children-aged-12-to-1720211124202215/ Russia has deal with AstraZeneca• https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/12/11/russia-astrazeneca-to-test-combined-coronavirus-vaccination-a72328 Moscow, Russia, 13 October 2021 – Russia will take a leading role in shaping the trajectory of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Today, leaders from the Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum announced the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Russia. https://www.weforum.org/press/2021/10/russia-joins-centre-for-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-network/ Riley Waggaman Blog https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/ Support These Podcasts, and Shows! Show Clips taken from the following podcasts. The Drill Down https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/hcz4y-204d2e/The-Drill-Down-with-Peter-Schweizer-Podcast Riley Waggaman: Why is Russia Going Full COVID1984? https://geopoliticsandempire.com/2021/11/25/riley-waggaman-why-is-russia-going-full-covid1984/ Riley Waggaman On Tessa Fights Back https://tessa.substack.com/p/russia-covid?s=r Russian Central Bank/CBDC’s w/ Riley Waggaman https://podcasts.apple.com/si/podcast/ep-97-russian-central-bank-cbdcs-w-riley-waggaman/id1534719132?i=1000551799369 Russia’s Sputnik V and the WEF with Riley Waggaman Feb. 7, 2022 https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/unlimited-hangout/russias-sputnik-v-and-the-Zdnc1g_rJoI/ Russia with Riley Waggaman https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/the-shift-with-doug-mckenty-58099/the-shift-episode-104-on-russia-with-riley-waggaman-1206192211 Geopolitics and Empire https://geopoliticsandempire.com/author/riley-waggaman/ Odd Man Out Patreon https://www.patreon.com/theoddmanout ACR- My Podcasting Family Visit the home of The Oddcast at "Alternate Current Radio, and check out all their other great shows including, Boiler Room, and be sure to subscribe to their Social Media to get updates on all the fantastic talk, and music shows. https://alternatecurrentradio.com/ Check out the ACR video: "Shilling For Sanity" https://youtu.be/TyQv1JL78Eg Support the show by subscribing, liking, sharing, & donating! Fringe Radio Network FRINGE RADIO NETWORK! -SECURE- Radio on the Fringe! Odd Man Out Patreon https://www.patreon.com/theoddmanout Patreon-Welcome to The Society Of Cryptic Savants https://www.bitchute.com/video/C4PQuq0udPvJ/ Social Media: _theoddmanout on Twitter, and Instagram Facebook https://www.facebook.com/theoddcastfttheoddmanout "A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated." Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Friday May 13, 2022
Ep. 112 It’s A Big Club w/ Charles Savoie
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
Ep. 111 Sorosis of Democracy Pt. 1
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
This week we have part one in a dive on the man, myth, and legend. (G. Soros) I look at who he funds, and who he's linked with, and try to let the evidence speak for itself instead of making grandiose statements. Join me as i dare try, and crawl down that rabbit hole that so many seem to sidestep, or say the same old same without actually getting in the mud. . Don't forget to share, and thank you for taking the time to listen!
Cheers, and Blessings
Show Notes
Soros 60 Minutes
"I remained a socialist for several years, even after my rejection of Marxism; and if there could be such a thing as socialism combined with individual liberty, I would be a socialist still. For nothing could be better than living a modest, simple, and free life in an egalitarian society. It took some time before I recognized this as no more than a beautiful dream; that freedom is more important than equality; that the attempt to realize equality endangers freedom; and that, if freedom is lost, there will not even be equality among the unfree."
Karl R. Popper
George, & Johnathan CFR Members. https://www.cfr.org/membership/roster
SOROS PLEDGES $100 MILLION IN CARLYLE FUND - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/business/1993/12/08/soros-pledges-100-million-in-carlyle-fund/c679195a-cb3c-45fb-a5f2-4ba0cbf8a583/
Glenn Beck Says Roger Ales Told Him, "Play the game. Do not mention Isre=ael, God, or George Soros!" https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/09/19/glenn_beck_youre_not_allowed_to_mention_george_soros.html
George Soros spearheaded the creation of the European Council on Foreign Relations..
George Soros: “I am proud of the enemies I have” – European Council on Foreign Relations OSF Funding, and Alliances Open Society Chooses DGAP (German Council On Foreign Relations) member Open Society Names Daniela Schwarzer as Executive Director for Europe and Eurasia -
Open Society Foundations Open Society Funds Chatham House Corporate members | Chatham House –
International Affairs Think Tank Chatham House Is Partnered With Open Society For The Open Society University Network (OSUN) About OSUN Chatham House Academy Fellowships
Open Society Funds Aspen Institute
Open Society Funds CNAS
Open Society Funds NATO's think tank The Atlantic Council
Open Society Funds Scholarship At LSE
Establish a Forum for Civil Society Practitioners and Grassroots Community Advocates in Europe Open Society Foundations (OSF)
Open Society Hosts Meeting on NATO EU, NATO and the SCO: Towards Rules of Engagement? -
Open Society Foundations Open Society Hosts Think Tank Strategies Communication Strategies for Think Tanks -
Open Society Foundations The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) in cooperation with the Open Society European Policy Institute (OSEPI)
Voices on Values: How European Publics and Policy Actors Value an Open Society | DGAP
Open Society Armenia OSF Ford Foundation, & Open Society Team Up
Ford Foundation and Open Society Initiative for West Africa Launch New Fund to End Sexual Violence in West Africa / Ford Foundation
Today the Open Society Foundations, Ford Foundation, and Atlantic Philanthropies announced the launch of a joint fund to support local organizations promoting and advancing constitutionalism in South Africa... New $25 million fund for South African civil society groups working to advance constitutionalism / Ford Foundation Open Society, & UNICEF
Our partners | UNICEF Solar Radiation Management Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative — General Support (2017) |
Open Philanthropy in 2008, he donated approximately $750,000 to J Street, the American liberal Israel lobby.
Funding Vice Media
1994 On 17 November, Abromowitz’s Carnegie Endowment publicly announces “a concerted effort to consider the launching of a new International Crisis Group” with three main functions: assessment, advice and advocacy. George Soros’s Open Society Institute provides US$200,000 to finance continued planning activities. https://www.crisisgroup.org/who-we-are/history
George, & Alexander are on the Board of Directors
Open Society Director Lord Mark Malloch Brown is founder, & chairman emeritus https://www.crisisgroup.org/who-we-are/board
The International Crisis Group: Do Its Funders Control The World On Behalf Of American-and-allied Billionaires? https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL2104/S00096/the-international-crisis-group-do-its-funders-control-the-world-on-behalf-of-american-and-allied-billionaires.htm
Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft
Funding BLM
Patrisse Cullers(BLM) is the director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights. This organization also receives funds from the Open Society Foundation. One of these founders, Alicia Garza (BLM), runs an organization called the National Domestic Workers Alliance, on whose board sits Alta Starr. Starr oversees a fund at the Ford Foundation. She is also on the board of a foundation backed by billionaire George Soros, the Open Society Foundation’s Southern Initiative. A leaked document from an October 2015 board meeting of the Soros-funded US Programs/Open Society revealed that the organization provided $650,000 “to invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.” The document notes that the board planned to discuss the difficulty of dealing with a de-centralized movement: “What happens when you want to throw a lot of money at a moment[sic], but there isn’t any place for it to go?” It was also raised that the Soros name could discredit Black Lives Matter if the public became aware of his financial support. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2016/10/11/pers-o11.html
ACR-My Podcasting Family Visit the home of The Oddcast at "Alternate Current Radio, and check out all their other great shows including, Boiler Room, and be sure to subscribe to their Social Media to get updates on all the fantastic talk, and music shows.
Check out the ACR video: "Shilling For Sanity" https://youtu.be/TyQv1JL78Eg Support the show by subscribing, liking, sharing, & donating! Odd Man Out Patreon https://www.patreon.com/theoddmanout Patreon-Welcome to The Society Of Cryptic Savants https://www.bitchute.com/video/C4PQuq0udPvJ/ Social Media: _theoddmanout on Twitter, and Instagram Facebook https://www.facebook.com/theoddcastfttheoddmanout "A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated." Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Ep. 110 Whose War Is It Anyway? Pt. 5
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Welcome to episode 111, the 5th in the series on Ukraine, Russia, and the American govt's role in the modern history concerning the three. It's been quite an adventure, and i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued patience while I've taken the time to research all the info for the series. I came into this knowing next to nothing about the situation, and now, i know more than I'd like. I hope this has helped you guys understand it as well, and possibly aided in some conversations on the subject. This may be the last in the series, but don't hold your breath. More facts are being uncovered as I type this. Please be sure to like, review, share, and subscribe because the censorship is at an all-time high. Now, let's get down the rabbit hole once again far beyond the mainstream! Cheers, and Blessings Show Notes Sec. Of Defense Lloyd T. Austin Promises Zelensky $60 Million Dollars In (2021), Says US has given more than 2.5 $Billion to Ukraine since 2014 https://www.c-span.org/video/?514377-101/ukrainian-president-zelensky-meeting-secretary-austin-pentagon Short Vid of Austin/Zelensky https://youtu.be/YB5uHDiesD8 Brzezinski wanted all Baltic States to join NATO. His son is now Poland's ambassador.• The 2008 Bucharest Declaration Promised Ukraine, & Russia NATO Membership https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/29/words-matter-the-bucharest-nato-summit-and-its-contentious-promise/ U.S./Ukraine/USAID NGO $250 million in military aid for Ukraine reportedly released - there is another $146 million at State that needs to be released. (2019) Since 1992, USAID has contributed more than $3 billion in assistance to Ukraine. https://www.usaid.gov/ukraine The big picture: When it comes to military support in particular, the U.S. committed to more than $600 million just last year — and more than $2.7 billion since 2014 Yahoo French President Emmanuel Macron has moved to extend €300 million ($337 million) of aid and military equipment to Ukraine, according to French daily Le Monde. Feb. 28 2022 In early February, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz did the math to counter criticism from Kyiv. He said that nearly E2 billion ($2.75 billion) in direct aid had flowed from Germany to Ukraine since the country had spoken out in favor of democratic elections, a pro-European course and against the Kremlin-friendly government that was toppled in 2014. In addition, there had been E3.8 billion (ca. $4.3 billion) from the EU budget, whose biggest net contributor is Germany, he pointed out. 2/17/22 The UK government has pledged another £80 million in aid after Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine. new funding brings total UK support during current Ukraine crisis to £220 million, which includes £120 million of humanitarian aid. Gov UK 3/1/22 • Australia is providing AUD65 million in humanitarian funding to help meet the urgent needs of the Ukrainian people. At the start of the conflict, Australia provided AUD35 million to trusted humanitarian partners, enabling them to rapidly respond to immediate priorities. An additional AUD30 million in humanitarian assistance will help the most vulnerable including children, elderly and disabled, and women • Australia will also support Ukraine’s energy security by donating at least 70,000 tonnes of thermal coal • Gov UK March 28 2022 Human Rights Groups Call For Israel To Stop Arming Neo Nazis https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/rights-groups-demand-israel-stop-arming-neo-nazis-in-the-ukraine-1.6248727 Ukraine Israel Free Trade Agreement https://www.jns.org/zelensky-announces-ukraine-israel-free-trade-agreement-to-take-effect-in-january/ Russia To Build Youth Center On Putin Street In Bethlehem https://sputniknews.com/20130215/Russia-to-Build-Complex-on-Putin-Street-in-Bethlehem-179496617.html Arming, and Training Ukraine Since 2015 https://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-secret-cia-training-program-in-ukraine-helped-kyiv-prepare-for-russian-invasion-090052743.html https://thewashingtonstandard.com/documents-reveal-us-spent-22-million-promoting-anti-russia-narrative-in-ukraine-abroad/ US Spent $22 Million On Propaganda https://thewashingtonstandard.com/documents-reveal-us-spent-22-million-promoting-anti-russia-narrative-in-ukraine-abroad/ US White Supremacists Trained By Azov https://www.mintpressnews.com/fbi-neo-nazi-militia-trained-by-us-military-in-ukraine-now-training-us-white-supremacists/251687/ Canada Trained Centuria Nationalists In Ukraine https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/far-right-extremists-in-ukraine-brag-they-have-received-training-from-the-canadian-forces-report US NDAA Funding To Ukraine By Year NDAA 2020 $300,000,000 https://www.unian.info/politics/10787555-u-s-expanding-defense-aid-to-ukraine-in-2020.html NDAA 2018 $350 Million for Ukraine NDAA 2017 $350,000,000 https://thestandard.newsday.co.zw/2017/01/02/2017-ndaa-ups-aid-ukraine-gives-arms-syrian-rebels/ NDAA 2016 $300,000,000 https://usa.mfa.gov.ua/en/news/40735-skhvalenij-senatom-byudzhet-pentagonu-na-2016-r-peredbachaje-vijsykovu-dopomogu-ukrajini-v-obsyazi-300-mln-dol-ssha NDAA 2015 $300,000,000 https://www.taxpayer.net/national-security/totaling-up-us-assistance-to-ukraine-since-2015/ NDAA 2014 $300,000,000 Wall Street's Think Tank The Council on Foreign Relations and the Empire of Neoliberal Geopolitics, 1976–2014 LAURENCE H. SHOUP https://swprs.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/cfr-wallstreet-think-tank-shoup-2015.pdf ACR Visit the home of The Oddcast at "Alternate Current Radio, and check out all their other great shows including, Boiler Room, and be sure to subscribe to their Social Media to get updates on all the fantastic talk, and music shows. https://alternatecurrentradio.com/ Check out the ACR video: "Shilling For Sanity" https://youtu.be/TyQv1JL78Eg Support the show by subscribing, liking, sharing, & donating! Odd Man Out Patreon https://www.patreon.com/theoddmanout Patreon-Welcome to The Society Of Cryptic Savants https://www.bitchute.com/video/C4PQuq0udPvJ/ Social Media: _theoddmanout on Twitter, and Instagram Facebook https://www.facebook.com/theoddcastfttheoddmanout "A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated." Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Ep. 109 Whose War Is It Anyway? Pt. 4
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
This week we dive head first into the continuing series on the history of Ukraine, Russia, & the U.S. We revisit the State. Dept, Victoria Nuland, and then, VP Joe Biden's role in the 2014 coup. I also talk a bit more about Burisma Holdings, & the Hunter, Zelensky, Heinz-Kerry & Igor Kolomoisky links. Then, we go in depth on how the IMF has worked in Ukraine, and how it works in general. It is under the guise of loaning money to troubled countries that it usurps power, and control on behalf of the global elite financial powers.
Show Notes
Secret Empires by Peter Schweizer
Where the IMF comes into play
Visit the home of The Oddcast at "Alternate Current Radio, and check out all their other great shows including, Boiler Room, and be sure to subscribe to their Social Media to get updates on all the fantastic talk, and music shows. https://alternatecurrentradio.com/
Support the show by subscribing, liking, sharing, & donating!
Odd Man Out Patreon https://www.patreon.com/theoddmanout
Patreon-Welcome to The Society Of Cryptic Savants https://www.bitchute.com/video/C4PQuq0udPvJ/
Social Media: _theoddmanout on Twitter, and Instagram
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"A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated."
Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Ep. 90 Fabian Society Pt. 1
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
In this episode i cover the history of Fabian Society, and how they came together with the intention of infiltrating the public, and private sectors in order to implement their own brand of Socialism through a technique they called "Fabian Permeation." There was more than a few surprises in the rabbit hole underneath the Fabian Superhighway. So, let us get to it. Time to go far beyond the mainstream once again! Cheers, and Blessings Odd Man Out Patreon https://www.patreon.com/theoddmanout Patreon-Welcome to The Society Of Cryptic Savants https://www.bitchute.com/video/C4PQuq0udPvJ/ All Odd Man Out Links https://linktr.ee/Theoddmanout "A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated." Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Ep. 100 I Haven’t Learned A Thing
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
100 episodes in, and i haven't learned a thing! JK, i have actually learned more than i ever wanted to. Thank you to my Patrons, and loyal listeners, my family, Alternate Current Radio, Fringe Radio Network, Jack Allen, Meeting of The Minds, my old school crew John, Gabe, David, CJ, Chris, Anthony, and all the great people i have met through the process of making podcasts, and videos. Cheers, and Blessings The Odd Man Out Odd Man Out Patreon https://www.patreon.com/theoddmanout Patreon-Welcome to The Society Of Cryptic Savants https://www.bitchute.com/video/C4PQuq0udPvJ/ "A special Thank You to my Patrons! You are very much appreciated." Intro Song "Diabolitcal Man" By Odd Man Out Outro Song "UnAmerican Idol" By Odd Man Out Free Downloads Here: https://www.reverbnation.com/wearetheconspiracy/songs And Remember, Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Ep. 108 Whose War Is It Anyway? Pt. 3
Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Saturday Apr 09, 2022
Back again for part 3 in a series on the history of Ukraine, Russia, and U.S. relations. In this episode we look more in detail at the West's funding of militant Nationalists in Ukraine, and the various modern groups. Igor Kolomoisky, and his influence, NATO expansion since the end of the Cold War, the Brzezenski family role in the fight against Russia, F. William Engdahl's history on the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine, and those behind it, & The Bucharest Declaration of 2008, and how it promised Ukraine, and Georgia membership in print. Thank You for listening to the show! Please share, and give a good rating on your preferred podcasting platform. Cheers, and Blessings Show Notes Doug Valentine On U.S. Involvement In Ukraine https://youtu.be/jRicZc-cZ0I ...it was reported as recently as April 2021 that the ostensibly ‘liberal’ Zelensky wanted to appoint one Serhiy Sternenko (a former leader of the Neo-Nazi ‘Right Sector‘) as the head of the SBU (the Secret Service in Ukraine). This being despite Sternenko being under investigation for murder and for involvement in a massacre during the events of 2014. If even Zelensky – the current and apparently ‘liberal’ president – is willing to be in alliance with Nazis and murderers (let alone to seek to place a Nazi *and* murderer in charge of, of all things, the Secret Service), then how much of a ‘minor problem’ or ‘minority’ presence can the Neo-Nazis and ultra-nationalists really be? Svoboda, for the record, is widely acknowledged as a Neo-Nazi party, and was founded by Oleh Tahnybok and Andriy Parubiy, the latter of whom was the chairman of Ukraine’s parliament until 2019 (and was invited to address the US Congress three years ago), and the former having been famously photographed with Senator John McCain during the events of 2014. A key figure in Azov’s political wing, the National Corps Party, is Olena Semenyaka: who has been photographed with the swastika flag and doing a Hitler salute. She was invited to be a visiting fellow at the Vienna-based Institute for Human Sciences. Great Source For Info On Ukraine! https://burningblogger.com/2022/03/05/the-truth-about-nazism-in-ukraine-and-why-the-media-is-covering-it-up/ Ukrainian Nationalist Groups• White Hammer Svoboda Party Azov Battalion C14 Banderists, See: Stephan Bandera Centuria Trident Group Right Sector Aidar Battalion Dnipro Battalion Andriy Biletsky, leader of Azov’s National Corps political party and defacto head of the Azov movement. Wotanjugend’s “Thule Signal” Aleksey Levkin Right Sector Dmytro Yarosh National Resistance Alexey Svynarenko Atlantic Council 2018 Ukraine's Got A Real Problem w/ Far Right Violence https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/ukraine-s-got-a-real-problem-with-far-right-violence-and-no-rt-didn-t-write-this-headline/ Kolomoisky, Hunter Biden, & Zelensky Connection https://thewallwillfall.org/2022/03/14/how-one-ukrainian-billionaire-funded-hunter-biden-president-volodymyr-zelensky-and-the-neo-nazi-azov-battalion/ The Cold War was a political standoff between the Western allies of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, and the countries of the Warsaw Pact, often referred to as the "Eastern Bloc." The latter was dominated by the Soviet Union and included Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and East Germany. All of these countries underwent significant changes after the Cold War came to an end in 1991. https://classroom.synonym.com/happened-eastern-bloc-countries-after-end-cold-war-19984.html On 9 November 1990, US Secretary of State James Baker told Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in the Kremlin’s St. Catherine Hall that NATO would not expand beyond reunified Germany “one inch in the eastern direction. Strategic Culture In 1999, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined NATO, amid much debate within the organization and Russian opposition. Another expansion came with the accession of seven Central and Eastern European countries: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. JanetPanic In 1997, former Russian Ambassador Matlock was asked to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. When asked about whether or not more member states should be added to NATO, he said that it was unwise; that, in fact, “it may well go down in history as the most profound strategic blunder made since the end of the Cold War.” Bill Clinton Refused to admit Russian into NATO• 2018 NATO has launched its biggest military exercises since the end of the Cold War amid rising tensions between the transatlantic security alliance and Russia. About 50,000 soldiers from 31 countries – comprising NATO’s 29 member states plus Sweden and Finland – are taking part in a mock battle against an invading force in Norway beginning on Wednesday and scheduled to run until November 7. Aljazeera News Also, notice when Trump wanted to stop arming Ukraine, that's when they impeached him• Poland and Russia are bitter enemies. The U.S. knew, that Russia would see Poland's entrance into NATO as a threat• Brzezinski wanted all Baltic States to join NATO. His son is now Poland's ambassador.• The 2008 Bucharest Declaration Promised Ukraine, & Georgia NATO Membership https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/29/words-matter-the-bucharest-nato-summit-and-its-contentious-promise/ U.S. Ambassador to Poland Mark Brzezinski is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission. He was a Fulbright Scholar in Poland in 1991-93, during which he researched and wrote a book entitled "The Struggle for Constitutionalism in Poland.". https://pl.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulate/embassy/ambassador/ Full Spectrum Dominance, F. William Engdahl Orange Revolution 2004 http://www.williamengdahl.com/books.php Where the Nationalist sound bites came from: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fy910FG46C4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hE6b4ao8gAQ&pp=QAFIAg%3D%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6g4C2isl6vI Social Media Instagram, & Twitter: @_theoddmanout FB: /theoddcastfttheoddmanout Please Support If You Can? Odd Man Out Patreon https://www.patreon.com/theoddmanout Patreon-Welcome to The Society Of Cryptic Savants https://www.bitchute.com/video/C4PQuq0udPvJ/ "A special Thank You to my Patrons who contributed to this episode. You are very much appreciated." Find This, Along With "Boiler Room" Many Other Great Talk, & Music Shows On Alternate Current Radio https://alternatecurrentradio.com/ Remember, Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Ep. 107 Whose War Is It Anyway? Pt. 2
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Hot off the history grill is Ep.107 where i continue the dive on Ukraine, Russia, U.S. and NATO hopefully giving some info that many are not aware of. Please share this show with others. I believe it is very important to get the big picture on these foreign policy issues. MSM is obviously on the take, and shilling for war, and regime change as always, but we can make a difference by spreading the truth to those who'll listen. Thank you for your support. Cheers, and Blessings Show Notes, & Links NATO's Nazis Operation Aerodynamic, & CAPACHA. From the 50's to 80's the deep state funded Nazi types in Ukraine, & other nations. https://www.voltairenet.org/article189895.html https://cryptome.org/2016/01/cia-ua-aerodynamic.pdf https://www.forumdaily.com/en/operaciya-aerodinamika-kak-cru-iskalo-ukraincev-s-antisovetskimi-nastroeniyami/amp/ https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2018/sep/18/mykola-lebed-and-the-cia/ The US state department under Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton overthrew with the president of Ukraine in 2014 and replaced him with a central banker of their liking. Ray McGovern https://youtu.be/NeSfvA4cCtg In a December 2013 speech to the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation in Washington, D.C., Victoria Nuland, (NATO, CFR, CNAS, DGAP, Brookings, Yale) had just returned from Kiev, & boasted that “we” had “invested” more than $5 billion in the Ukraine over the past couple decades to promote “democratic institutions … and a good form of government.” The Mess That Nuland Made• https://consortiumnews.com/2015/07/13/the-mess-that-nuland-made/ Nuland https://youtu.be/U2fYcHLouXY Nuland to Ukraine Ambassador Phone Call Transcript https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957 The Soros Connection• Open Society Foundation's $25 million pledge to create the Ukraine Democracy Fund, which will raise additional money from other grant makers to support a free and Democratic (wink-wink) Ukraine. 2022 This initiative builds on Open Society's more than three decades of work in Eastern Europe to support human rights organizations, independent journalists, and other civil society groups. The aim of this fund is to join with private foundations, philanthropists big and small, and the private sector to raise $100 million over the duration of the crisis and its inevitably protracted aftermath. Open Society has been working in Ukraine through the International Renaissance Foundation & numerous other NGO's since the 1990's. https://www.mintpressnews.com/leaked-george-soros-puppet-master-behind-ukrainian-regime/206574/ Remember, Open Society is a big funder of The Atlantic Council which works hand in hand with NATO, & The D.O.D. They are also on the Board of Directors of The McCain Institute along with the Rothschilds, House of Saud, & many other globalists. Atlantic Council Donors https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/about/donate/honor-roll-of-contributors-2019/ McCain Institute Donors https://www.mccaininstitute.org/ways-to-give/donors/ Top 5 Soros Revolutions https://gulagbound.com/12652/top-5-revolutions-backed-by-george-soros/ When you understand Soros, & The Open Society are often times on the same side of foreign policy at the Pentagon...🤔 Erik Prince, Knight of Malta In addition to the US-NATO military investments in Ukraine, there is the $10 billion plan being implemented by Erik Prince, founder of the private US military company Blackwater, now renamed Academy, which has been supplying mercenaries to the CIA, Pentagon and State Department for covert operations (including torture and assassinations), earning billions of dollars. Erik Prince’s plan, revealed by a Time magazine investigation, is to create a private army in Ukraine through a partnership between the Lancaster 6 company, with which Prince has supplied mercenaries in the Middle East and Africa, and the main Ukrainian intelligence office controlled by the CIA. https://www.transcend.org/tms/2022/02/the-blackwater-is-in-ukraine-with-the-azov-battalion/ Zelensky's Ties https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/oct/03/revealed-anti-oligarch-ukrainian-president-offshore-connections-volodymyr-zelenskiy It is in war that the State really comes into its own: swelling in power, in number, in pride, in absolute dominion over the economy and the society. Murray Rothbard How far can you go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?" --Dwight D. Eisenhower "How come (as children) we play war and not peace? Too few role models." Bill Watterson [Authoritarianism] appeals to core elements of human nature that liberalism does not always satisfy—the desire for order, for strong leadership, and perhaps above all, the yearning for the security of family, tribe, and nation. Robert Kagan, The Jungle Grows Back: America and Our Imperiled World Liberating a people requires the same brutal force as conquering them. Even moral wars have immoral consequences. Neither people nor nations can use the tools of war and coercion and hope to keep their hands clean. Robert Kagan, The World America Made "The thing that I would say is that U.S. power is not eternal. I am not saying that it won't come to an end. Because it will." ~ Robert Kagan Look into: Azov Battalion• Right Sector Ukraine• C14 Ukraine• Svoboda party• Odessa Massacre• Stephan Bandera• https://www.timesofisrael.com/hundreds-of-ukrainian-nationalists-march-in-in-honor-of-nazi-collaborator/ In times of war, the truth is so important it should be guarded by a body of lies. Winston Churchhill Don't forget, Hunter Biden was of the board of Ukrainian Burisma Holdings, & Joe told the CFR he gave the Ukrainian Govt. 1 Billion dollars to fire the lawyer about to investigate Hunter, & the company's corruption. What about Hunter, & Rosemont Senaca? ttps://www.sgtreport.com/2022/03/breaking-exclusive-hunter-biden-firm-rosemont-seneca-invested-in-firm-tied-to-ukrainian-biolabs/ Their Order Is Not Our Order!
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Ep. 106 They Are Everywhere w/ Charles Savoie
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
This week i have yet another deep dive by Charles Savoie on The Pilgrim Society. This guy's an encyclopedia on Oligarchy. In this episode the Texas Troubadour continues to school us in our ongoing history series on one of the most secretive groups to ever exist in the modern era. Created out of the Cecil Rhodes Wills, and his dream for a secret society based in Britain that would one day take back the U.S. as well as conquer the rest of world, The Pilgrims Society has held among their ranks some of the most powerful, and influential men in both the public, and private sectors, and all without so much as a blurb from historians, or the press. How? Because, they own the publishing companies, as well as the MSM. I think you'll enjoy this Oddcast. Don't forget to take notes. Now, time to get down that rabbit hole, fare beyond the mainstream! Cheers, and Blessings The Odd Man Out Please check out Charles' Links, share them!!! No Silver Nationalization http://www.nosilvernationalization.org/ The Silver Stealers https://silverstealers.net/ Texas Pet Protect http://www.texaspetprotect.org/ Their Order Is Not Our Order!